Land and Water Magazine published an article recently that details the use of the High Performance Modular Biofiltration System (HPMBS) in Harris County, Texas’ first green roadway, Birnamwoods Drive. The HPMBS is an ideal solution for developing LID-based roads and Harris County has now implemented this technology on several roadway projects, with others in design or construction. Roadway projects using HPMBS have also been constructed in the City of Houston, including the Bagby Street urban green street project, which was recently named the first Greenroads Certified project in the state of Texas. Others have been completed, are in construction or in design around the state.
HPMBS delivers the water quality benefits of bioretention while significantly reducing or eliminating the major obstacles to its use in roadways. Most important, construction costs and long term maintenance costs are a small fraction of what they would be with traditional bioretention. If you’re curious about how that might work, take a look at the article, written by David Batts from our Houston-based VAR, Construction EcoServices.