News 1

Convergent Adds smartPOND™ to its Innovations Family

While automation is not new, stormwater automation is only in its infancy. It’s no wonder Construction EcoServices, a leader in Stormwater Innovation has been involved in many of the first stormwater automation projects. From managing subsurface underground detention / rainwater harvesting systems through weather predictive technology to creating automated settling ponds for stormwater quality, Construction…

News 1

Scott Gorneau Advanced to Vice President of Sales

Previously the Director of National Sales, Convergent is proud to announce the advancement of Scott into the role of Vice President of Sales and Business Development. Scott is a Professional Engineer with an advanced degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Entering the stormwater industry in the early 2000’s with years of experience in engineering, construction,…

Bones Extinct

Innovate or Die (Part Two)

Innovate Not…..Because the regulations prevent it. Although innovative stormwater quality product offerings which deliver higher performance and reduce costs of compliance are desperately needed in public infrastructure and private development, they are few and far between. The reasons why are numerous, let’s take a look at one of them. Innovate not…because the regulations prevent it.…

Aguirre&fields Sugarland (2)

Functional Fixedness

One of my favorite bloggers, Barry Fagan PE/PLS, CPESC, leads Alabama DOT’s Environmental Program, as well as being ALDOT’s unofficial Chief Environmental Evangelist. His blogs are always entertaining, thoughtful  and well reasoned. He’s given me permission to share them with you occasionally, and I believe Barry’s blog this week , offers a particularly useful insight…. “The Candle Problem”…

News 1

Convergent Adds FocalPoint EMR to its Innovations Family

Enhanced Metal Removal Where Industry Meets the Water Most industrial facilities are under increasing pressure from regulators and local communities to protect harbors, bays, lakes, and streams by reducing the elevated concentrations of environmental pollutants commonly found within their facility’s stormwater runoff. Facilities are challenged due to intense operations with heavy equipment, multiple pollutant sources,…

Collaberation 1

Collaboration: 1-2-3, by Barry Fagan

Barry Fagan nails the value proposition associated with collaboration in this week’s installment. We have a unique opportunity to exploit the power of this process to grow stronger, better, faster – together. But like most things, we can only get as good as we give. Everyone, meet Barry… Barry Fagan on LinkedIn I was recently…