News 1

Convergent Water Technologies Announces Leadership Promotions

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Convergent Water Technologies Announces Leadership Promotions David Batts Named President; W. Scott Gorneau, P.E., Promoted to Senior Vice President Houston, TX – Feb 10, 2025 – Convergent Water Technologies (CWT), a leading provider of innovative stormwater infrastructure solutions, is pleased to announce the promotion of David Batts to President and W. Scott…

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FocalPoint Approved in New Jersey (NJDEP Certification)

November 8, 2021 – The process to attain NJCAT verification and NJDEP certification for the FocalPoint System required laboratory testing to NJDEPs Lab Filter Protocol. Alden Labs was retained by Convergent Water Technologies to carry out this detailed laboratory testing. We are pleased to announce the FocalPoint system is now an NJCAT verified technology, meeting…

Rhode Island Banner 123

Rhode Island Approves FocalPoint Biofiltration System

October 4, 2021 – The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) has approved the FocalPoint High Performance Modular Biofiltration System (HPMBS) — an innovative stormwater technology that is beneficial to engineers, land planners, landscape architects, installers, developers and end-users implementing green infrastructure and low impact development techniques. Because of its small footprint, open-bed configuration…

Egrp Gallery 1

When Cookie-Cutters Won’t Cut It

Industry Guest Blogger, Seth Brown, Joins The Innovation Conversation  The Water Environment Federation (WEF) has recently launched a new strategic direction, with innovation being a major focus under this new vision.  While the term “innovation” is used these days as liberally as “sustainability” was used a few years ago, WEF intends to put meat on…