Energy-Passive Groundwater Recharge Product

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The Energy-Passive Groundwater Recharge Product (EGRP®) accelerates infiltration into and through poor soil conditions and poor soil types. The result? Instead of water pooling or excess stormwater runoff, those same soils can now infiltrate water 5-10x faster than before. The passive design of the EGRP® is unique in that it increases the infiltration rate in a low-impact, eco-friendly manner requiring no energy and no maintenance. The EGRP® provides a long-term solution that improves over time.


A series of EGRP® devices are installed vertically into the ground underneath natural topsoil, which allows water entering the EGRP network to be naturally filtered. The EGRP arrays initially capture surface water and subsequently dewater upper soils, thereby preparing the upper soil layer for the next wet-weather event. The water that enters the EGRP is then pumped outwards into the various soil layers via capillary action naturally occurring movements of soil and earth.

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The total volume of water to be infiltrated by the EGRP® can be enhanced by pairing it with other common stormwater water practices that capture peak stormwater volumes. EGRP works well with ponds, bioretention systems, and other subsurface storage systems. This “systems approach” captures stormwater runoff, stores the peak volume, adsorbs certain pollutants of concern, and allows large volumes of water to infiltrate over time.

Egrp Standing Water 1NOBLE BEGINNINGS

The idea behind the EGRP came about as its inventor was studying diseases in third world countries. He noted that many of the diseases in those countries, such as malaria, were closely connected to the existence of standing water and the resulting bacteria, and insect breeding. Why does water pool in certain places and not others? What if there was a way that we could help this water infiltrate? Less standing water, less bacteria, less insects, less disease, less loss of life. While this innovation will no doubt save lives in the circumstances for which it was originally conceived, it also has proved to be an important tool for reducing stormwater runoff.

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By accelerating infiltration into and through the near surface soils, EGRP® technology increases the volume of stormwater that can be stored, infiltrated and ultimately recharged. Surface water that would have pooled or run off is captured below grade and filtered, thereby improving water quality and reducing flooding.

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  • Infiltrate standing water
  • Infiltrate 5-10x faster
  • Reduce runoff water and downstream flooding
  • Stabilize soil moisture content
  • Recharge groundwater
  • Manage surface water
  • Eco-friendly
  • 0$ maintenance requirements
  • Easy to install with little ground disturbance



If there is other documentation not posted here, pleas contact us and we will be happy to provide any additional specs or technical information you need.

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If you and your team would like to learn more about any of the wide variety of products and services we offer, schedule a LOUNGE & LEARN today. We can discuss with your team anything from our turnkey compliance services during construction activity to our post-construction stormwater management systems; or our stormwater quality treatment to our erosion and sediment control solutions.