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Transforming Industrial By-Product Into Clean Water Technology

Enhanced Phosphorus Pollutant Removal for Stormwater Runoff The national network of Convergent Water Technologies’ Value Added Resellers introduces PhosphoReduc Media (PRM); a unique phosphorus pollutant removal technology for stormwater runoff. PhosphoReduc Media (PRM) is an exceptional, sustainable green product that transforms an industrial waste stream into cutting edge clean water technology used to enhance phosphorus (P)…

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Convergent President, Robert Adair to speak at EPA Water Technology Cluster Leaders Meeting

Convergent President, Robert Adair, will be participating on a panel discussion at the EPA Water Technology Cluster Leaders Meeting on Tuesday, March 25, 2014. Experiences of Businesses in the Testing, Approval and Permitting Process Moderator: Stephen McKnight; Vice President of Community and Market Assessments, Fourth Economy Consulting; Network Manager, Water Economy Network U.S. EPA Drinking Water Methods…

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Low Impact Development Design Competition

The San Antonio Land/Water Sustainability Forum has extended the registration deadline for the Low Impact Development Design Competition. Signed up already are 13 teams representing over 25 professional engineering, landscape architecture, and architecture firms. Registration closes March 19th, don’t miss your chance to compete! For more information about the LID Design Competition visit

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Convergent President, Robert Adair, a panelist at AGC of America’s national Contractors Environmental Conference, June 7-8, 2012

Convergent President, Robert Adair, will be a guest panelist at The Associated General Contractors of America national “Contractors Environmental Conference: Compliant. Competitive. Cost Effective.” The conference will be held on June 7-8, 2012, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Northern Virginia, right outside of Washington, D.C.